Immune Health During Back-to-School Season - Lily of the Desert

Immune Health During Back-to-School Season

It’s back to school season…hurray!  All parents are letting out an audible sigh of relief now because planning playdates, vacations, camps, etc. is over with the kids back in the classrooms.  But this also means they are back to germ city.  How many parents do you know with a kid already home sick…and it’s only the first week?!  So how do you keep yourself healthy with all the germs that kids bring home?

Having a healthy immune system means your body is defended against illness or infection.  Cells work together to combat any foreign pathogen that comes in contact with your body.  So what can you do to make sure that your immune system is in tip-top shape?

  1. Drink plenty of water- Water helps your body produce Lymph, which your immune system uses to circulate white blood cells and nutrients to the tissues in the body. It also helps to keep the body clear of toxins.
  2. Eat a balanced diet- Sugar-laden foods and those loaded in saturated fat only impede your immune system from working correctly. Load up on fruits, vegetables and whole grains to keep your body going.
  3. Get moving- Exercise helps your body rid itself of unwanted bacteria and helps increase the circulation of antibodies or white blood cells to help stave off infection.
  4. Add some supplements-Immune-supporting supplements can help the battle to keep you healthy. Aloe vera contains the polysaccharide called Acemannan that has many immune health benefits.  You can take 2 to 4 oz daily of Lily of the Desert Aloe veraor gel to help support your healthy immune system.  It’s great to add to your smoothie or juice.
  5. Wash your hands and get some rest- These may seem like the obvious, but they are something people often forget to do.  But you are always telling your kids to wash their hands and go to bed, so make sure you do the same!

All these steps can only help you to stay healthy during this time of sneezing, wheezing and coughing.   Good luck out there!


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