How Aloe Vera Helps Balance pH Levels - Lily of the Desert

How Aloe Vera Helps Balance pH Levels

The human body functions using an intricate system of physical and chemical processes. One of the important ways it self-monitors and regulates itself is by assessing pH levels. The measurement of pH (also known as the “potential of hydrogen”) is a crucial indicator of how our various organs and systems are working. Today we’ll look at how aloe vera contributes to pH balance while supporting overall wellness and vitality.

pH Levels: Acidic vs. Alkaline

Without taking a trip back to high school chemistry class, pH levels demonstrate the measure of acidity or alkalinity by looking at the concentration of hydrogen particles. This chemical benchmark uses a scale of 0 (heavily acidic) to 14 (highly alkaline).  

The human body is slightly alkaline in its natural state (normal pH of 7.4). However, various metabolic processes and organs (including the stomach) rely on significant amounts of acid. pH levels can vary based on your diet and lifestyle, among other factors. Lab tests can measure pH in the blood, other bodily fluids, and organs. Keeping pH levels in balance is complex, with your lungs and kidneys doing the heavy lifting. The body actively measures acidity at the cellular level and can adjust automatically. 

Aloe: Promoting Alkalinity

In addition to the many benefits of aloe, it also contains alkaline properties. When the body becomes too acidic, you are more susceptible to illness. Aloe is the ideal solution to counteract acidity. Daily consumption of aloe vera helps the body by supporting system-wide pH balance.     

Digestion & pH

The digestive system is a complex group of organs tasked with processing our food and ensuring that our bodies have access to the nutrition required to function properly.

Once food reaches the stomach, preparation for nutrient conversion and absorption begins. The key ingredient in this phase of the digestive process, stomach acid, is responsible for breaking down food, activating protein-splitting enzymes, and eliminating bacteria.  

The stomach is naturally acidic (with a pH of 3.5 or lower) due to the presence of gastric acid. However, when acid production exceeds normal levels (causing the pH level to drop), occasional gastric disturbances, including heartburn and indigestion, can result.

Balancing Stomach pH with Lily

Are you one of the millions of people who struggle with occasional gastric upset? This common issue has led to the widespread use of over-the-counter (OTC) medications such as Nexium and Prilosec. This class of medicines is known as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). They’re designed to reduce stomach acid and are typically prescribed for treating ulcers, heartburn, and acid reflux.

Maintaining a stable and balanced gut pH is essential to proper digestion. But you may want to consider using a natural approach rather than an OTC medicine. Lily’s Stomach Formula is a blend of proven herbs and our organic aloe. It works with your own stomach acid to balance your gut pH level and provide relief from occasional indigestion and heartburn.

In addition to promoting a healthy gut biome, our Stomach Formula reduces toxins, supports immunity, soothes the bowels, stomach, and urinary tract lining, and increases bioavailability. This formula delivers a holistic solution that works with your body, so you look and feel your best!

Maintaining Balance With Lily

Taking a natural approach when it comes to wellness is a wise choice. Lily of The Desert products offer various options that promote good health. You can find them at most major grocers and health food stores. Use our handy store locator to find a local retailer, or enjoy the convenience of shopping online at Amazon, Vitacost, and Swanson’s Vitamins.

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