Immune-Supporting Juice Recipe with Aloe Vera - Lily of the Desert

Immune-Supporting Juice Recipe with Aloe Vera

Winter weather wreaks havoc on our immune system, as well as our lives.  With germs everywhere and everyone around you getting sick, you have to do what you can to support your immune system to ward off any potential illness.  We have come up with this tasty juice recipe to help you out this season.  Luckily, you can find what you need in the produce section and the aloe aisle at your local store.

This juice packs a 1-2 punch for your immune system with zesty oranges and lemons, carrots, ginger and Lily of the Desert Aloe vera.

Oranges: loaded with vitamin c that encourage your immune system to fight off any viral infections.

Lemons: also packed with vitamin c.   But they are also helpful to cleanse the body of excess toxins that prevent absorption of vital nutrients.

Ginger: helps prevent bacteria growth and acts as an anti-inflammatory for your body.

Carrots: full of beta-carotene that contains helpful antioxidants, which can reduce your body’s stress response.  plus, they contain vitamin a that helps the body reduce excess toxins.

Lily of the Desert Aloe Vera: over 200 vital components like vitamins, enzymes, minerals, amino acids and polysaccharides .  Our brand contains Aloesorb, a concentration of high-quality aloe polysaccharides that actually supports nutrient absorption even more…making it the perfect addition to this recipe.  



1 cup of carrots

1/4 cup lemon juice

1 large orange

1 inch piece of ginger

1/4 cup of Lily of the Desert Aloe Vera



Place all ingredients into your juicer and blend until smooth.  If you do not have a juicer, then place all ingredients into a blender ( just make sure to peel orange, ginger and carrots first).  Blend all ingredients together.  Strain any pulp through a strainer or enjoy as is.


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