Cold Weather Checklist - Lily of the Desert

Cold Weather Checklist

With the vibrant colors of fall on full display, air temperatures are signaling that it’s time to gear up for cold weather. While winter brings its own beauty and charm, it also calls for a special focus on wellness. At Lily of The Desert, we believe in nurturing your body with nature’s best. Here’s your ultimate cold weather checklist featuring our top product picks: Aloe Vera, 99% Aloe Gelly, and Tropical Plantation Coconut Oil. 

Enhance Natural Immunity

Winter is synonymous with the season of sniffles and coughs. But don’t worry. Our Aloe Vera is here to be your immune system’s best friend. Rich in 200 biologically active compounds, it helps support a healthy immune system. A daily dose of just 2 ounces can work wonders in helping to keep winter bugs at bay. 

Say Goodbye to Dry Winter Itch

Chilly winds and heated rooms can be harsh on your skin, leading to the dreaded dry winter itch. Our 99% Aloe Gelly is a soothing solution for this common winter annoyance. Infused with the purest aloe vera, it penetrates three epidural layers to hydrate and nourish your skin deeply, leaving it feeling soft and protected. For an extra layer of moisture, our Tropical Plantation Coconut Oil is a must-try. This natural moisturizer is perfect for keeping your skin hydrated and glowing, even on the coldest days. It absorbs quickly and is a fantastic addition to your personal care routine.

Preparing Your Home For Winter

As temperatures drop, make sure your home is ready for the cold. Ensure your heating system is in good working order. You’ll also want to consider insulating your windows to help keep the heat in. Letting your faucets drip slightly can prevent pipes from freezing and bursting, a common and expensive winter issue. These small steps can make a big difference in keeping your home cozy and safe.

Stay Active and Hydrated

While snuggling under a warm blanket on a cold day is tempting, staying active is vital to your winter wellness. If it’s too cold or icy to go out, engage in indoor exercises to keep your body moving. And remember, staying hydrated is just as important in winter as during hot weather.   

Nourish From Within

Eating a balanced diet is your secret weapon against winter woes. And although traditional winter comfort foods can be tempting, there are plenty of healthy options. Be sure to include plenty of fruits (especially citrus!), root vegetables, and whole grains in your diet. 

Supporting Mental Wellness

The shorter days and longer nights can have an impact on your mood. Maintain your mental health by practicing mindfulness and meditation to keep your spirits high. Surround yourself with positive vibes, faithful pets, and stay connected with friends and family. Do things you enjoy (i.e., reading, journaling, listening to music) and take time to relax and rejuvenate.

Winter Weather Travel Safety

Traveling in winter always requires extra precautions. Make sure you have a full antifreeze reservoir, a well-charged battery, new wiper blades, and appropriate snow tires or chains. Always keep an emergency kit with blankets, food, water, and a first-aid kit in your vehicle. Research and plan your travel routes before you leave, and keep yourself informed about the weather conditions.

Warm Up With Lily

As winter sets in, we know keeping yourself and your family safe and healthy is a priority. We’re here to help! You can shop for Lily products anytime by visiting us at or with one of our retail partners, including Amazon. 

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