Making Resolutions You Can Keep - Lily of the Desert

Making Resolutions You Can Keep

Welcoming a new year is exciting! It’s an opportunity to reflect on the lessons learned during the previous twelve months while moving forward with a clean slate. Many of us have already selected New Year’s resolutions and are gearing up to work on our goals. 

The most popular resolutions continue to be health-related, including exercising more, eating better, getting more sleep, quitting smoking, and losing weight. The importance of these goals is understood, so their appearance on annual surveys is not surprising. 

Unfortunately, even though we start with our best intentions, most resolutions have been abandoned by February. And sadly, only 10% of American adults stay the course and realize their goals! 

Achieving actual change requires thoughtful planning. Let’s look at some ideas to help you attain your health and wellness goals in 2022! 

  • Be Specific. Goals are easier to reach when they have a narrow focus. Instead of resolving to “eat better, “…zero in on a definitive target. For example, “switching to a plant-based diet by June 1st” is much easier to visualize, making success more likely.
  • Create a Plan. Once you identify your goal, you will need to make an action plan to accomplish it. Before you get started, create a basic outline of the steps, general timeline, and necessary resources. You’ll stay on track, be able to measure your progress, and course-correct if needed.
  • Get Support. We know that keeping resolutions is difficult! Having a support system in place can be the game-changer you need to stay motivated. A regular checkpoint with an accountability partner will keep you engaged, and they can provide encouragement if you hit a rough spot along the way.
  • Start Small. One of the biggest mistakes people make is taking on a resolution that is too complex. Unrealistic expectations can leave you feeling overwhelmed and on a sure path to disappointment.
    Break significant goals down into smaller, manageable tasks. Create a shortlist of the highest priority items and select one or two to pursue. Even small changes like going to bed an hour earlier, walking your dog, or increasing your daily water intake can yield tremendous benefits!
  • Maintain Digestive Health. Did you know that 70% of your immune system resides in your gut? Keeping your digestive system healthy will positively impact your immunity and help your body perform at optimal levels. Lily’s Aloe Herbal Stomach Formula reduces acidity, supports a healthy appetite, and assists with occasional stomach upset. 
  • Eat Well & Take Supplements. Eating a balanced diet that features fruits, vegetables, proteins, and water is essential to good health. It can also help you maintain a healthy body weight, sleep better, and slow the effects of aging.  

If you aren’t taking advantage of dietary supplements, now is the perfect time to start. Additional essential vitamins and minerals can help increase energy, support immunity, protect bones, and defend cells against free radicals. 
To ensure you receive all of the benefits your diet and supplements provide, add organic aloe vera, which naturally promotes nutrient absorption, to your nutrition plan.  

These simple tips can help you choose and implement essential lifestyle changes that promote better health. Focus on creating practical resolutions, and you’ll be part of the 10% in 2022!  

Start The New Year With Lily of The Desert Products!

Your friends at Lily of The Desert are here to support your wellness efforts! You can order our Aloe Hand Sanitizer and other products online at Amazon, Vitacost, and Swanson’s Vitamins, or you can access our convenient Store Locator to find a nearby retailer. Don’t forget to visit and connect with us on Facebook or Instagram! Feel free to share a comment, ask a question, or check out our tasty recipes, health tips, and the latest product news! Happy New Year!!


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