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Your Cold Weather Checklist

Depending on your zip code, leaves and temperatures have already begun to fall. Although it’s a great time to spend with loved ones, the cold weather can actually make our bodies more susceptible to health risks.

Even though the official first day of winter is still a few weeks away, now is an excellent time to prepare yourself for seasonal health challenges. Here’s why you need a winter wellness strategy!

Planning A Healthier Thanksgiving

Like many of us, it can be easy to fall back on bad habits over Thanksgiving break. And if we’re not careful, it can carry over into Christmas, New Years, and beyond. Between our weakened immune systems and a tendency for overeating, now’s the time to begin thinking about healthier alternatives for the holiday season.

Summer Skincare Tips

Summer is the best time for being outdoors, enjoying the warm weather, and soaking up the sun. However, when the sun beats down on our skin, it can tend to dry it out and cause damage if we aren’t careful. Now, with a few helpful tips and recommendations, we can do our best to avoid premature aging and permanent damage to our skin. 

Staying Hydrated During Winter

Water is an integral part of meeting our basic needs, but what about the additional nutrients and electrolytes we require to function at our best? For that, EcoDrink Naturals has you covered.